Monday, October 27, 2008

What's the word I'm looking for?

Oh yeah.. its terrorist.

Maybe the reasons why these men are not being called by the word that clearly defines them is due to the color of their skin or the holy book which they read. Its sad that we reserve that word for people who threaten Anglo saxons and the like.
Here is your real definition.
I hope that clears somethings up a bit. You might also notice that member of our own government, including our commander-in-chief are fans of using this terror technique.

Now playing: Ben Folds Five - Philosophy
via FoxyTunes

Friday, October 24, 2008

Loneliness and friend loss.

I'm homesick for the first time. It not really homesickness, its hard to describe. More like nostalgia. I'm really just missing my old life. The carefree, always having drunken fun life that I once held in Baltimore. I miss having money and a job and all my friends and not having so much to worry about. I miss my Uri, Mike, Heather, Sarah. I miss my Tuesday Boozeday. I miss the days before so much of that was ruined by my move to Syracuse. This is in no way saying that I hate my decisions, I still believe I made the right one in moving and I absolutely love my school and my new friends. This move, however was was just harder that I expected it to be..

I expected to miss everyone and I expected school to be tough. Yet I thought that I would have great friends to lean on. I thought that my friends from back home would help support on days when I'm struggling and answer the phone at least once every five time I call. Hardly.

Sarah never answers the phone and it is pointless for me to leave a voice mail, she like me, never checks them. When I do get a chance to talk to her all we talk about is her eating disorder and how "fat" she is. It makes me super self conscious. I'm struggling with my weight as it is and I don't need her mentioning how she weighs 15 Lbs less than me and is such a cow! I love Sarah.. really I do. Its just a struggle to deal with her ridiculous claims. When I met her she was a very different person with fire and direction. That fire I once knew appears to be slowly extinguishing and sadly I wait fort the phone call in which I find out that she finally put herself six feet under.
Whether is has to do with her relationship status, I will never knew for sure, but I have my opinions... I know how she is now and I remember what she was like before. I want my old fierce friend back.. the one that I could call and she would say all of the right things. The one who helped me get through my terrible break up with Marc. She was amazing.. More than I want her to be her for me, I want to to be her for herself.

Mike- Oh fuck where do I even start. Mike was for two years my best guy friend in Baltimore. We did EVERYTHING together. So much fun.. So many memories. So many shots of Powers and bottles and cans of Natty Boh.
Mike decided that it would be a really great idea to confess his undying love for me two weeks prior to my move. Mike caught me in a very vulnerable time. I was leaving all of my friends. I had recently broken up with a boyfriend and was CLEARLY not over him considering everyone knew we were still spending all of our together. I was closing a very prominent chapter in my life and opening a very scary new one. A new life which was unlike anything I had ever experiences before. Never once did I want to drop everything and be with Mike. The thought came over my mind but I still had a lot of other things to think about before starting a relationship with my best friend. I loved Mike but after careful consideration I realized that he is just not what I want. Unfortunately these final weeks in Baltimore contained a lot of alcohol and Mike did go in for the kill and kiss me while I was intoxicated.. In the moment I did kiss back but looking back I feel a little taken advantage of. Before moving I attempted to make sure that Mike knew that I didn't want to be anything but his friend.. It didn't take.
I moved away from Baltimore and I had thought that we had put this whole thing behind us. Not so much.
Mike moved to Rochester. I advised his that this was not a good idea especially if it was for me. He claimed it was for himself. He lied and now he resents me for him moving and me STILL not wanting to be with him.
Mike also found out that I started taking to a guy whom I met in Baltimore a few days before I moved and the he had come up to visit me. I intentionally did not tell him about it as to save his feelings. I have to tell him everything in my life and we weren't even and item yet. I guess this is where I did go wrong. I should've told him asap as to lesson the blow. We are no longer on speaking terms. I am sad.

Heather seems to be the only one who wants to stay friends forever. She cares about me in ways that I never thought a girl would care. She is the cheese to my macaroni. If we were lesbians I would marry her. I pretty much broke her heart in my moving away. Progress is progress and I need to move on. I want her to come up here more than anything in the world. She would fit in to SU like no other. She can be an honorary ESF girl. I talk to Heather more than anyone else... about a few times a week. We also text constantly. My only problem with her is that she is a total workaholic and now is seeing someone. I am so happy that she is happy, but for my own selfish reasons I wish she would answer the phone more. Its gotten worse lately.

I also have gotten myself into a long distance relationship with some that is about as flaky as I am.. guess it serves me right. He never answers the phone when I do talk to him the conversations are brief, followed by a "I'll call you back later" along with something he's doing and why he can't talk at this very moment. It is followed by me waiting and waiting eventually it ends with him failing to call me back. He is also out of the country a lot, which means I don't get to communicate that often. Now that I think of it.. I speak to him about the same about whether he is in the country or not. Ok.. that's an exaggeration. I sometimes speak out of pure frustration.

I do really like him though.
I wasn't entirely thrilled about starting a long distance relationship with someone I hardly knew but something about him just clicked. I just couldn't help myself... I'm a sucker for a guy with tattoos, a motorcycle and love for adventure! When I am with him he treats me like an absolute princess. We have so much in common.. He is totally worth a little flakiness. He trusts me. He adores me.. and I him.. which is more than I can say about half of the asses I've dated.
I met Christopher during a brief stint being everybody's bitch at a Baltimore tattoo parlour. After forty-five minutes of talking to him about life I knew there was something there so I offered up my number.
Game. Set. Match.
He accepted my number, obviously.. coughed up his and we have been happy ever since.
So much so that I think if we can make it through these years while I'm in school we could have a wonderful life together. Whoa, what a big statement I just made!! The words just came out. I.. I think I might have fallen him. Like for real. Too bad I live here and he live in the city I just walked away from. I never wanted a reason to go back, other than to visit. Now my love lives there. My only regret about dating Christopher is that I wish I had met him a little sooner than 4 days before I moved to New York!!

Many times I have kicked myself for not getting college over with right after high school.. but than I think about everything that I wouldn't have done and who I wouldn't have met and I once again I can sleep in the bed I made up for myself.

That about sums it up.

I saved the story of Uri, the recent ex for another day. I think he is seeing someone. Its too much for my head to wrap around at this current juncture.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

150K on a Wardrobe??

Sarah Palin-
Way to show the working women that you are "just a regular person." This is absolutely sickening. I am disgusted by every aspect of your being. This just further proves the point that you are so far out of touch with reality.

The Twelve Types of Republicans.

From my perspective this is exactly how people in the Republican party seem. What a sad mix of hypocrisy, greed & ignorance. They hit the nail right on the head with this one, especially with the first three.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To stay healthy...

I'm so happy to know that sex is indeed necessary...

I am so thankful that I didn't "save myself."

A new life and a new spirit.

I have been a bad blogger. Not posting in over three years.... I suck. We are planning on attempting to change this starting asap.. (spoken in a true procrastinators style) Looking back on my old posts I am a very different person. A born-again atheist, if you will. Studying conservation biology at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. You may frequently read me referring to said college as SUNY-ESF or simply as ESF.
I have started a new life here in Syracuse and have left my past far far behind me. The newly reformed 24 year old poor-as-fuck college student is a far cry from the 20 year old pot-head dating a 36 year old Sarah of yesteryear. In this new chapter of my life you will see my writing about my completely biased opinions of religions, politics, science, culture and the like.

This is a new Sarah.

First up.. Crazy Tracy.

Yikes.. the lord sure guided her in her quest to grab another bag of chips. I have little patience for this kind of craziness. Welcome to 2008 Tracy.. Its not looking too good for your McCain right about now.

"The kind of smug, self-righteous ignorance and bigotry this woman displays is frighteningly common, I'm afraid. It's the one thing that makes me worry about the outcome of the election.
" to quote the wonderful P.Z. Myers