Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Living the good life.

That was always the plan from the start right?

Sometimes life does not seem to follow the same path in which you riginally had mapped out. I've taken my life in several different directions only to decide that I was going the wrong way and proceeded to make a random turn, not always for the better. Thus, I have ended up here. I have put myself in a city far from home with a great deal of distance between me and the people with whom I have been closest with in my adult life. In this new world I've created for myself I have made relationships with new people and have found the best of them with the least expected of people. It really shows how amazing life can be.

One person in particular stands out in my mind. We are polar opposites, but somehow completely get each other. I'm a foul-mouthed partyer who is completely socially awkward and she is a a completely unapologetic bitch who is all about doing the best in school. It helps that we are both a little insane. She's probably going to be the one person with whom I will be able to count on to understand me and accept all of the crap which I may send her way. I think the feeling is mutual.

On the flip side of that are the relationships which I thought would work out, yet are not looking so good thus far. I started seeing someone shortly after I moved to Syracuse. I have briefly discussed this in a previous blog but now I shall elaborate slightly. Perhaps it was my own fault for attempting a to get to know someone long distance and committing to them at the same time. The thing is, I have lived up to my end of the bargain. I have reached out and I have been as emotionally available as possible, while being a full time student, that is. This means finding the time to call at least once day. Apparently, it is difficult for for him to return my phone calls. I didn't know that his job prevented him from touching base with me every few days, either that or I am particularly low on his list of priorities. I wouldn't be so hurt except that when I first started talking to him I received calls and text message constantly. I miss that. I miss him. I made him out to be my prince charming in my head because of all of the things he promised to do with me. I don't understand what happened but if this keeps up I'm going to go insane. I don't even think I'm going to be able to reach him when I finally give up and decide to break up with him. Men are jerks.

On the plus side- my semester of school is almost over and I am going to pass all of my classes and I'm going home for Thanksgiving.
Now playing: Belle & Sebastian - Piazza, New York Catcher
via FoxyTunes


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